“Lamma Mia” Public Art Project – Guided Tours

藝術推廣辦事處 × 藝術到家 × 香港民間古蹟保育基金
Art Promotion Office × Art Together × Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation
簡介 Overview




From hills constituted by irregularly-shaped stones, shores with ideal conditions for fish farming to the Kamikaze Grotto from World War II, South Lamma does not only possess a rich streak of natural and cultural sights, but is also complemented with stories awaiting our exploration. The Art Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Art Together and Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation are launching the “Lamma Mia'' Public Art Project (Please click here for the project website link) at Sok Kwu Wan from 11 December 2021 to 13 March 2022. A series of public cultural events, including guided tours that aim to delve  into the unexplored stories embedded in the scrumptious landscape of South Lamma will be held during the exhibition period.

This tour is registered with the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong (TICHK) and has received the conditional exemption for licensed travel agents to organise local group tours under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation (Cap 599G). Please refer to “Notes to Applicants” for details.

主題 Themes
詳情 Details
報名須知 Notes to Applicants


(Due to the latest COVID-19 situation, tour registration is temporarily suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.)

Prior to registration, please read "Notes to Applicants" thoroughly. 

請先在步驟 1 選擇參加人數。月曆中顯示為綠色的日期,代表當日場次尚有足夠名額容納 閣下所選之人數,按下日期後可選擇時間,繼續報名。紅色則代表當日所有場次已無足夠名額。若顯示「本月沒有適合你的選擇」(Your selection is not available for this month),即代表該月份所有場次均已滿額。


Before choosing your desired date, please select the number of guests in your group first.

In the calendar, green boxes refer to dates with available tours; if the display shows "Your selection is not available for this month", it means that none of the tours have enough quota for your group.

Please click here if the booking system is displayed incorrectly.

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Protected: 《破·地獄》場景遊 – 東華義莊的歷史印記

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