“The tour was interesting and covered both cultural and historic with interesting anecdotes about the history of Tai O.”
Hannah M., London, United Kingdom
“This village is truly an oasis away from the city and someplace you should definitely have on your list of places to see in Hong Kong.”
Shreya S.
“We loved the boat ride! So much fun.”
Ingrid T.
企業尊享體驗—香港尖沙咀電影之旅:十套電影 ‧ 十樣香港
我哋請嚟建築研究學者黎雋維(Charles Lai),運用建築保育同文化嘅視角,鑑賞銅鑼灣同大坑一帶嘅經典樓宇。參加者更加可以用速畫(sketching)技法將建築嘅每一面紀錄低,用嶄新角度欣賞經典建築。…