American Pie in Hong Kong!|美國處男現身香港!

Yes, they are Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen, the famous Hollywood couple! Walk in Hong Kong had the pleasure to show them around Wong Tai Sin and Yau Ma Tei for a travel programme to be aired worldwide soon! (Oh, we forgot to ask Jason how the texture of an egg tart compares to that of an apple pie! :P)

荷李活明星Jason BiggsJenny Mollen早前來港拍攝旅遊節目,活現香港很榮幸有機會帶佢地遊走黃大仙及油麻地,接觸香港最地道的一面,佢地仲喺黃大仙祠睇相,獲睇相師傅指點迷津。話時話,點解Jason Biggs嗰日著嘅短褲同佢係《美國處男》裡面著嘅咁似?