活現香港身為商界嘅一份子(同埋香港總商會嘅會員),今年參與總商會舉辦嘅商校交流計劃,走入協恩中學校園。計劃上星期嚟到尾聲,協恩嘅同學仔運用我哋公司業務拓展顧問 Annie 傳授嘅講故事心法同佢哋參加導賞團嘅親身體驗,設計出四條土瓜灣文化導賞路綫,將自己學校所在社區嘅獨特建築、藝術、飲食文化同歷史介紹畀其他同學認識。
Walk in Hong Kong, a member of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, participated in the chamber’s annual Business-School Partnership Programme this year. Our company has been matched with Heep Yunn School, a prestigious girls’ school in To Kwa Wan.
On 3rd April, students from Heep Yunn presented 4 self-designed walking tour routes that showcase the distinctive architecture, art, food and history of To Kwa Wan to Annie Tong, Business Development Consultant of Walk in Hong Kong, and their fellow schoolmates. Prior to this the girls received storytelling training in the form of an executive talk by Annie, and participated in Walk in Hong Kong’s Sai Ying Pun community tour as well. They were able to make use of their first-hand tour experience and knowledge in curating the tours.
The students were given feedback by Annie and also their peers. “I thought tour guiding was easy until I tried it myself,” a student remarked during their feedback session. Annie gave the students pointers on the usage of storytelling techniques in real-life situations, and reminded them to have fun while being professional.
The soft skills learnt will definitely be helpful for the girls in their future presentations and interviews!