12月18日晚上活現香港(Walk in Hong Kong)為信興酒樓光榮結業舉辦了一次簡單而具心思的慶祝會。由於反應熱烈,我們決定加開兩場!12月22日(星期四)我們邀請到香港收藏家協會副會長張順光先生展示難得一見的舊式酒樓文獻私人珍藏,另外活現香港會跟大家以有獎遊戲方式分享香港傳統酒樓歷史文化。12月28日(星期三)晚為信興酒樓經營80年的最後一場晚市,我們會以音樂歡度這個歷史性的晚上,特邀唱作歌手黎曉陽及新晉女子組合Winter Bagels現場表演, 伴以香港大學社會科學系副教授吳俊雄博士細數舊香港故事。當然,信興老闆每場都會跟我們談談酒樓80年來深刻難忘的事情。如此可一不可再的精彩節目,你怎能錯過?


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Walk in Hong Kong joined with Tai O Heritage Hotel in bringing some families from Society for Community Organization (SoCO) to Tai O on the day of Dragon Boat Festival. Our co-founder Paul guided the group to witness the annual Dragon Boat Deity Parade, in which three fishermen associations paddled their dragon boats to visit four main temples, carry the deity statues in a water parade and pray for good fortune and communal peace. There were of course many more to see in the tour, say stilt houses, traditional snacks and shrimp paste stall. The tour ended with a visit to Tai O Heritage Hotel, the revitalized gem in the tip of Lantau Island. What a fruitful day for everyone!

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