啟迪未來建築師:巴馬丹拿集團 × 活現香港 Inspiring Future Architects: P&T Group × Walk in Hong Kong

有冇諗過四十年後嘅中環地標建築會係點嘅樣?Walk in Hong Kong 活現香港最近再次同屹立香港 150 年嘅建築師樓巴馬丹拿集團合作,將導賞團結合模型工作坊同建築師分享會,啟迪小朋友欣賞建築嘅唔同可能性,再將自己心目中嘅建築設計活現眼前,向成為未來建築師之路進發。唔知今日喺模型裏面見到嘅大廈,四十年後會唔會成真呢?

How would our CBD look like 40 years from now? Last month Walk in Hong Kong worked with architectural firm P&T Group to organize a series of walking tours, workshops and architects’ talks. Youngsters were able to walk into the skyscrapers of our city to appreciate their cutting-edge architectural features, before showcasing their creativity and imagination in the architectural designs they create with building blocks. Will the designs by these budding architects dominate the skyline of Hong Kong in 2059?

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城市,由無數建築師嘅夢想交織而成。香港歷史最悠久嘅建築事務所巴馬丹拿集團 1868 年起為我城「築夢」,一百五十年來成就中環無數建築。香港人非常熟悉嘅畢打行、怡和大廈(康樂大廈)、交易廣場、渣打銀行大廈等等,通通都係巴馬丹拿歷年來嘅作品。巴馬丹拿將最先進嘅建築技術引入香港,又將香港嘅獨特經驗帶到全世界。

Rome was not built in a day. It takes more than a century to shape a city. Likewise, it takes decades to realize an architect’s dream. Since 1868, architects and engineers at P&T Group (formerly Palmer and Turner) have been realizing their dreams in the course of incarnating Hong Kong’s urban landscape. P&T Group played a crucial role in designing the city’s skyline — over 20 existing buildings in Central, including Exchange Square, Jardine House, Bank of China Building and Standard Chartered Bank Building (SCBB). They are the masterpieces of P&T over the years. It introduced cutting-edge building technologies to Hong Kong while at the same time leveraging local expertise and knowhow in high-density developments around the world.

過去半年間,活現香港有幸同巴馬丹拿集團合作籌劃建築導賞團,帶領參加者重新認識中環區嘅建築同發展歷程。我哋翻箱倒籠檢閱巴馬丹拿歷代建築師嘅手稿同圖則,又訪問集團內嘅資深建築師,用導賞團訴說中環以至香港嘅建築故事。舊年 11、12 月舉行嘅「築城香港百五載:巴馬丹拿中區建築行」公眾導賞團深受歡迎,超額報名接近十倍!

Walk in Hong Kong is honoured to work with P&T Group to curate a series of architectural walking tours. We had the opportunity to dig into the firm’s archives of drawings and photos. We also interviewed key architects like Remo Riva, the chief architect of the Exchange Square and SCBB projects, and heard insider stories and lesser-known facts about P&T’s various works in Central. When we formally launched the resulting “150 Years Sculpting Hong Kong’s Skyline” public tours in November and December 2018, they were oversubscribed 10 times!

今年適逢第十六屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展香港回應展,巴馬丹拿集團同活現香港再次聯手,喺 3 至 4 月舉辦結合導賞團、工作坊同建築師分享會嘅一連串「城市之夢 。與未來建築師同行」活動,希望啟發年輕一代成為未來建築師。活動主打 10-15 歲嘅青少年,參加者首先參加導賞團,由我哋嘅導遊 Olivia 由中環建築出發認識基本建築概念,然後再喺展城館用積木堆砌心目中嘅新一代中環建築。見到參加者將公共空間、行人天橋系統呢啲喺導賞團介紹過嘅 P&T 創新意念用喺自己嘅設計裏面,Olivia 都非常之感動,大讚呢班未來建築師創意無限!

As part of the 16th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition – Hong Kong Response Exhibition events, we adapted the public tour itinerary into a version that will inspire teenagers, and tied it with the architectural model workshops and architects’ sharing sessions P&T organized. Aspiring young participants had the chance to see the masterpieces by P&T architects and applied what they learn in designing the future cityscape. We are so glad to be part of this one-of-a-kind architectural education event.