Singaporean celebrity chef Janice Wong (right), widely acclaimed as “Asia’s Dessert Queen”, just expanded her reach to Hong Kong and opened Cobo House Hong Kong in Shek Tong Tsui. Recently, Walk in Hong Kong had the privilege to bring Janice to explore Sai Ying Pun. Inspired by stories and heritage from our tour, Janice designed a special menu fused with local elements and surprises. Who would have guessed salted fish would go so well with chilli sauce from Yu Kwen Yick! They just pop in your mouth. What a delight!
身為80後嘅亞洲「甜點皇后」 Janice Wong (黃慧嫻), 獲獎無數, 今次佢喺香港西環開左新店Cobo House Hong Kong,為左入鄉隨俗,活現香港就帶佢探索西營盤搵靈感,走訪鹹魚欄、蒸籠店等傳統地道老店,Janice更加將呢啲元素融入佢特別設計嘅tasting menu,將地區文化與美食結合!