因為 Mido Watches「靈感源於建築」計劃,梁祖堯(Joey)與 Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 嘅陳智遠(Paul)遊走香港各處,訴說建築背後的故事(當然包括北角皇都戲院),感受獨有香港情懷懷與核心價值。
建築不單止係磚石、鋼筋,更盛載記憶、歷史與感情,亦係生活靈感嘅泉源。 不如今日一齊放慢腳步,仔細欣賞我哋身邊嘅建築物?
#MidoWatches #BeInspiredByArchitecture #walkinhongkong #wihk#JoeyLeung #梁祖堯 #活現香港 STYLO VISION
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【Inspired by Architecture】Architecture defines a city. Hong Kong has inherited many beautiful buildings from those who lived a century ago, but what architectural legacy will we leave to future generations yet unborn? Architecture is not only about bricks and mortar, steel beams or masonry; it also holds emotions, memories and history. We have the chance to visit these urban gems with Mr. Joey Leung, the famous theatre artist, in MIDO’s “Inspired by Architecture” project. So let’s slow down, open our eyes, and be inspired by the architecture around us.