適逢第十六屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展香港回應展在展城館舉行,巴馬丹拿集團與活現香港將於 2019 年 4 月舉辦兩場「城市之夢 。與未來建築師同行/分享會」,專爲有志成為建築師的你而設。
It takes decades and many architects’ dreams for a city to be shaped the way it is. Have you ever thought of becoming an architect?
Come visit the 16th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition – Hong Kong Response Exhibition and participate in our “Dreams of a City – A walk and talk with future architects” event, co-organized by P&T Group and Walk in Hong Kong!
Join a walking tour to selected architectural landmarks in Central, followed by an inspiring talk led by three practising architects to share their vision of our future in echo with the theme of the Venice Biennale Exhibition. Anyone interested in pursuing Architecture as their future career are welcome.
活動詳情 Event Details
日期:2019 年 4 月 6 日及 13 日(星期六)
- 精華版「巴馬丹拿中區建築行」導賞團(約兩小時)
- 建築師分享會(約一小時,講題可參考下文)
集合地點:港鐵中環站 K 出口(皇后像廣場地面層)
Date: 6 and 13 April, 2019 (Sat)
Time: 14:00-17:00
Target group: Secondary school students / members of the public interested in pursuing a career in architecture
Event rundown:
- P&T Central District Architecture Walk (2-hour highlights version)
- Sharing sessions by practising architects (1-hour, abstracts listed below)
(Participants may choose to attend only the sharing session, or to attend both the architecture walk and the sharing session.)
Gathering point: MTR Central Station Exit K (Statue Square – ground level)
Language: Cantonese
Dismissal point: City Gallery (3 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong)
Organizers: P&T Group and Walk in Hong Kong
An event of the 16th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition – Hong Kong Response Exhibition
Exhibition organizers: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Planning Department of the HKSAR Government
Lead sponsor: Create Hong Kong of the HKSAR Government
Partner: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
報名方法 Registration
Please complete the online form below by 31st March, 2019 (Sunday). In case the number of applications exceeds the quota, allocation of places would be determined by a lucky draw. Successful applicants would be notified by email.
(報名表格若顯示出錯,可按此以新視窗開啟之 Please click here if the form fails to be loaded)
附:分享會講題 Abstracts of Sharing Session Topics
The sharing session will be conducted in Cantonese. The following abstracts are for general reference only.
陳錦棠 Angus Chan – Shaping of our city
A casual look at our city’s development through the history of one local architectural firm, the firm’s contribution in shaping our city and how their buildings affected our daily life.
張家偉 Steve Cheung – Design and the City
A sharing session of Steve’s career development as a local design architect in Hong Kong with the introduction of his design ideas and exploration of “Freespace” in different completed local projects as well as the elaboration of the concepts into different tower exhibits in the Venice Biennale Exhibition 2018.
梁子維 Jeff Leung – 「密」謀 “1 Country, 2 Density”
A sharing session of personal practice as a design architect involving Hong Kong and Mainland China projects which significantly differentiate each other through sustainable city planning & living style and how as an architect can mutually adopt the “density strategy” positiveness of two places, which echo with the experimental exploration of vertical tower design in the Venice Biennale Exhibition 2018.
楊卉 Bella Yang – 建築師的理想國 Architect’s “The Republic”
With interpretation of an individual human’s spatial cognition under varying spaces from small scale to one building, city or even natural landscape, an Architect organizes functions and at the same time builds up space which can arouse emotional connectivity of the public. In the perspective of the unique city context of Hong Kong, the speaker shares how she delivered such ideas into a vertical tower design for Venice Biennale Exhibition 2018.
Disclaimer: Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organizers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.