「活現十年.尚未完場」放映會 活動詳情 活動詳情 「活現十年.尚未完場」放映會 日期: 2024年5月24日(星期五)[已售罊] 及 2024年6月28日(星期五) 時間: 7:30 pm – 9:20 pm(並設 30 分鐘映後談) 地點 : 百老匯電影中心 (Google Pin) – 1號院 …


Step into the heart of Hong Kong and embark on a captivating tour that unveils the tales of the city’s ever-evolving frontiers. From the subtle shifts…

“Hong Kong Movie Tour: Tsim Sha Tsui” planned by senior film critics and fans will take everyone into the world of light and shadow of Hong Kong movies, revisit classic movie shooting locations, use scenes to discover movie shooting details, and then follow the clues to understand the changes in Hong Kong.

Step into the heart of Hong Kong and embark on a captivating tour that unveils the tales of the city’s ever-evolving frontiers. From the subtle shifts in the coastline to the rich tapestry of its history, this immersive experience promises to take you on a historical journey through the dynamic transformation of Hong Kong, where the interplay of history, mobility, and exploration converge seamlessly.

Community Treasure Hunt Tour KTown

Get ready for a unique twist on “Night Vibes Hong Kong”! The Development Bureau will host the “KTown Community Kaleidoscope” from November 24th to 26t…

Where do we begin, to tell the story of how great Hong Kong movies can be? What about with a walk-and-ride experience?


活現香港揀選了五套由 Golden Scene 發行的電影,呈獻一系列結合電影放映與場景導賞團的節目,重尋動人情節發生的場景,細訴電影製作時的幕後故事。…
