1. 聯署促請古物諮詢委員會委員將皇都戲院評為一級歷史建築, 並確保這香港瑰寶能得以保育。聯署網頁:https://goo. gl/HDy2RJ
3. 與我們分享皇都戲院的故事、物件、相片或任何藏品。請電郵: [email protected]
【Save Our State】Together we can save State Theatre. You can:
1. Sign a joint petition to the AAB, asking it to make State Theatre a Grade 1 historic building, so that it could be given a chance of a new life. Sign petition: https://goo.gl/8crCxO
2. Volunteer with us. We need support with graphic design, research and history interviews, as well as to set up a ‘shadow AMO’. If you’re interested, please email:[email protected] [email subject: State Theatre project]
3. Share your State Theatre stories, photographs or memorabilia with us. Please email: [email protected]