1. 香港人究竟食幾多米?
俗語話「食米唔知米貴」,其實你知唔知,一碗飯裡面有幾多粒米?答案揭曉:一碗飯大約係有4000粒米,以香港平均每人每日食1.5碗飯嚟計,一年365日,一個人一年就會食大約2,400,000粒米。而香港人口有700萬,即係話全港每年會食16.8 x 1012 咁多粒米。哇!排起嚟足足有成1.7億棟ICC咁高啊,仲可以環繞地球約2100周添!
1. 香港人究竟食幾多米?
俗語話「食米唔知米貴」,其實你知唔知,一碗飯裡面有幾多粒米?答案揭曉:一碗飯大約係有4000粒米,以香港平均每人每日食1.5碗飯嚟計,一年365日,一個人一年就會食大約2,400,000粒米。而香港人口有700萬,即係話全港每年會食16.8 x 1012 咁多粒米。哇!排起嚟足足有成1.7億棟ICC咁高啊,仲可以環繞地球約2100周添!
Walk in Hong Kong set up a booth of the theme “rice” and “bamboo” in PMQ’s Open House on Sunday (26 June, 2016). Parents and children enjoyed the games and also learned a lot of interesting stories behind these two subjects. Learn more about “rice” and “bamboo” by joining the Summer Microadventures, our collaboration with PMQ in July and August!