(Scroll down for English version.)
港島西區區內新舊共融、中西交匯,既有堅守數十載的傳統產業、滿載人情味的家族老店以及傳承數代的傳統手藝,也有新派咖啡小店、藝廊、特色餐廳及店舖。是次活現香港將與新世界策動的The Artisanal Movement合辦導賞團,將帶領參加者遊走西區的大街小巷之中,參觀歷史文化古蹟,並深度探索這裏的美食文化,到訪多家歷盡變遷的老店,並與負責人進行交流、親身體驗傳統手藝,機會難得,名額有限,報名從速!
- 日期:4月2、9及23日 (六)(中文導賞團);4月16日(六)(英文導賞團)
- 時間:上午11時 -下午1時
- 收費:全免
- 名額:每團20人
- 通知方式:名額有限,成功報名的參加者,將於活動進行前不少於7天獲電郵確認,有關導賞團之詳細安排,均會在電郵內列明。
- 莎厘娜 1964:於香港歷史最悠久的俄國菜餐廳之一品嚐招牌名菜羅宋湯
- 余均益辣椒醬:细味有近百年歷史、新鮮原味、酸香辣均衡,
堅持全人手製作的辣椒醬 - 德昌森記蒸籠:參觀堅持人手製作的蒸籠工藝
- 合利號鹹魚舖:傾聽鹹魚業軼事、
挑選鹹魚要訣及歷史悠久的鹹魚拍賣,並試食店裡售賣的鹹魚 - Artisan Room:欣赏具有仿歌德式高塔建築設計外形,
- 每人只限報名一次
- 如有任何查詢,可以電郵至:[email protected]或Facebook Message至https://www.facebook.com/WalkInHongKong/,我們會盡快答覆。
- 在活動出發前三小時,如天文台發出「紅色暴雨警告」或「黑色暴雨警告」或三號及以上颱風警號,活動將會取消而不另行補辦。
- 主辦機構保留更改及取消活動之最終決定權。
Western District is a district where old and new, East and West perfectly intermingle. As one of the first districts to be developed in Hong Kong, it is home to numerous decades-old traditional industries, family-run shops and craft-based companies that have been passed on for generations. On the other hand, many new cafés, art galleries, boutiques and restaurants are constantly arriving, attracted by the unique ambience and open-door welcome that characterises the district.
On this tour, which is co-organized by Walk in Hong Kong and The Artisanal Movement under the New World Development Company Limited, participants will not only be guided by professionals through tranquil lanes and alleys to visit historic sites, but also to enjoy the food heritage of the district and experience their craftsmanship up close. Spaces are limited, sign up now!
Public Guided Tour Details
– Date: 2, 9 & 23 April (Sat) (Chinese guided tours); 16 April (Sat) (English guided tours)
– Time: 11:00 am – 1:00pm
– Price: Free of charge
– Quota: 20 people per tour
– Places are limited, participants will be selected by drawing lots. We will contact successful sign-ups by email no less than 7 days before the event.
Tour checkpoints include:
– Czarina 1964 Restaurant: Enjoy some borscht, the signature dish at one of oldest Russian restaurants in Hong Kong
– Yu Kwen Yick Chili Sauce: Taste the chili sauce that has over a hundred years of history and made freshly with a fine balance between spiciness, sweetness and sourness
– Tuck Chong Sum Kee Bamboo Steamer Company: Witness the delicate craft of handmade bamboo steamers up close
– Hop Lee Ho – Salted Fish Shop: Listen to stories about the salted fish industry, the secret of picking salted fish and the historic salted fish auctions, as well as tasting some salted fish sold at the shop
– Artisan Room: Relax with a cup of coffee brewed by the iconic Gothicism Steam Punk cold brewer
-Each person may only sign up once.
-Successful sign-ups will be informed the tour details in the confirmation email.
-If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail [email protected] or via our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WalkInHongKong/
– The walk will be cancelled if the Red/ Black Rainstorm warning or Typhoon no. 8 signal or above is hoisted 3 hours before the walk.
– Organisers reserve the right to change the tour itineraries/ to cancel the event.
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