The film “To Be Continued,” co-produced by Walk in Hong Kong and Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation, premiered at the Hong Kong International Film Festival in April 2023. (Click here to watch the movie trailer). It tells the story of Harry Odell (1896-1975), an impresario and an era of Hong Kong. Five years ago, Haider … Read more
Heritage Conservation
A group of heritage conservationists, architects and urbanists today called on the heritage authorities to declare the Bishop Hill service reservoir a monument, following a study that established its exceptional heritage value. The Bishop Hill Service Reservoir Heritage Assessment is the result of a crowdsourced research effort. Since the century-old underground facility came to light late last year, the team had extensively studied historical records as well as a large amount of relevant information circulated online.
Mr Douglas So, JP Chairman, Antiquities Advisory Board 18 December 2020 Further to the letter “Walk in Hong Kong makes three heritage protection calls ahead of AAB’s brainstorming session on post-1950 buildings assessment” that we sent to the Antiquities Advisory Board on 9 December 2020, we would like to add several suggestions for the post-1950 … Read more