活現香港去信古蹟辦 要求交代戰後建築普查進度
WiHK calls on AMO to provide Post-1950 Buildings Assessment update

過去兩年,本地文化企業活現香港多次呼籲政府將保護戰後歷史建築納入香港保育政策重點,並在古蹟和文物保育上廣納專家及公眾意見。去年 7 月古物古蹟辦事處(古蹟辦)成立專責小組為 1950 年後落成的建築物評級(「戰後建築普查」)展開準備工作,至今已近一年。

古物諮詢委員會(古諮會)下次會議將於 6 月 11 日舉行,活現香港早前去信古蹟辦執行秘書蕭麗娟,要求該處於會上就下列與 1950 年以後落成建築物普查相關的問題,給予公眾全面及清晰的答案:

  • 專責小組就各地政府與國際組織在評估戰後建築物所採用的標準與做法的研究,其進度如何?
  • 研究對象包括哪些國家和城市?直到目前為止,研究有何發現?其研究結果對於本港戰後建築物的評審準則和方法會有何實質意義?
  • 工作組下一步將進行哪方面的研究?
  • 古諮會早前計劃舉行有關保護香港戰後建築物的集思會,請問會議的確實日期和細節?
  • 集思會的結果對專責小組有何幫助?
  • 古蹟辦會否考慮尋求公眾參與?
  • 請說明專責小組的工作時間表。專責小組的準備工作完成後,下一步是什麼?


To: Ms Susanna Siu, Executive Secretary, Antiquities and Monuments Office

Walk in Hong Kong calls on AMO to provide comprehensive update on “Preparatory Work for the Assessment of Post-1950 Buildings”

Walk in Hong Kong (WIHK), a local cultural enterprise, is writing to the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) to enquire about the progress of its “Preparatory Work for the Assessment of Post-1950 Buildings”, which is understood to have begun in the third quarter of 2019. Over the past two years, WIHK has repeatedly called on the government to make the protection of “modern architecture” a policy priority for heritage conservation in Hong Kong, and to actively involve the input of wide-ranging experts and the public in that regard.

In September 2019, the AMO task force set up to carry out “Preparatory Work for the Assessment of Post-1950 Buildings” presented preliminary research findings to the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB). More than eight months have passed since. Beyond those initial findings, WIHK would like to seek clear answers from the AMO on the following:

  1. What is the progress of the AMO task force’s study on the assessment criteria adopted by the Mainland, overseas countries and cities, as well as international organisations for post-1950 buildings? What are the latest findings and implications for the assessment of post-1950 buildings in Hong Kong?
  2. What is the progress of the AMO task force’s study on the conservation approaches adopted by selected countries/cities and the difficulties they had encountered? What are the latest findings and implications for the assessment of post-1950 buildings in Hong Kong?
  3. In addition to the latest research findings, what further research will the AMO task force carry out?
  4. Which countries/cities are the AMO’s task force looking at for their heritage conservation practices regarding post-1950 buildings?
  5. The AAB plans to hold a brainstorming session in 2020 to explore the way forward for conducting grading assessment for post-1950 buildings. When will this happen? What will the outcome of the session mean for the work of the AMO task force?
  6. Will the AMO task force seek community input in its work? If not, why?
  7. What is the timeline of the AMO task force’s work? What are the next steps after the work is completed?

The AAB will be meeting on 11 June. WIHK calls on the AMO to give the public comprehensive answers to the above questions at the meeting. Thank you for your attention.

Walk in Hong Kong
2 June 2020

Mr Wong Wai-lun, Michael, Secretary for Development
Mr Jose Yam Ho-san, Commissioner for Heritage, Development Bureau
Mr Douglas So, Chairman, Antiquities Advisory Board
Members of Antiquities Advisory Board

📷: Kings Lee on Unsplash