The tour part of “Summer Microadventures – Little “Rice Cooker” Excursion” was completed at a high note last Saturday (23 July 2016). The tour starts at The Taste Library in PMQ with a great introduction of the culinary culture and stories of rice by its curators Craig Au-Yeung and Andy Lai, coupled with the tasting of delicious rice milk made by rice, peanuts and banana! Afterwards, Paul guided the exploration of Sheung Wan and visited a few spots which are related to rice. We also obtained some real grains from Yio in Lantau Island, which become the best souvenirs for the kids to bring back home!
1. 香港人究竟食幾多米?
俗語話「食米唔知米貴」,其實你知唔知,一碗飯裡面有幾多粒米?答案揭曉:一碗飯大約係有4000粒米,以香港平均每人每日食1.5碗飯嚟計,一年365日,一個人一年就會食大約2,400,000粒米。而香港人口有700萬,即係話全港每年會食16.8 x 1012 咁多粒米。哇!排起嚟足足有成1.7億棟ICC咁高啊,仲可以環繞地球約2100周添!
Walk in Hong Kong set up a booth of the theme “rice” and “bamboo” in PMQ’s Open House on Sunday (26 June, 2016). Parents and children enjoyed the games and also learned a lot of interesting stories behind these two subjects. Learn more about “rice” and “bamboo” by joining the Summer Microadventures, our collaboration with PMQ in July and August!