The weekend is upon us again. Are you looking for some new experiences to spend a fun and leisurely day, while not necessarily wanting to venture too far from the city centre? Our team at Walk in Hong Kong has the perfect solution for you. Whether you are a tourist or a local, our curated … Read more
At first glance, you may think this title is contradictory: how can a dystopia be promising? Hong Kong appears to be a miraculous metropolis trademarked by a spectacular skyline of skyscrapers that symbolize our city’s status as Asia’s financial hub. The business sector hails it as the Promised Land for investors. Yet several cyberpunk movies … Read more
有冇諗過四十年後嘅中環地標建築會係點嘅樣?Walk in Hong Kong 活現香港最近再次同屹立香港 150 年嘅建築師樓巴馬丹拿集團合作,將導賞團結合模型工作坊同建築師分享會,啟迪小朋友欣賞建築嘅唔同可能性,再將自己心目中嘅建築設計活現眼前,向成為未來建築師之路進發。唔知今日喺模型裏面見到嘅大…
Are you afraid of zombies? Do mummies scare you away? If you are not daunted by the living dead, you must be a brilliant warrior when zombies attack. (Let’s hope they won’t.) But even the valiant may find Chinese vampires terrifying. Yes, the Chinese have their own vampires. They are drastically different from zombies and … Read more
城市,由無數建築師的夢想交織而成。想了解建築師行業,但又不知應從何入手?有意入讀建築學系,卻不知建築師職業是否適合自己? 適逢第十六屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展香港回應展在展城館舉行,巴馬丹拿集團與活現香港將於 2019 年 4 月舉辦兩場「城市之夢 。與未來建築師同行/分享會」,專爲有志成為建築師的你而…