因為 Mido Watches「靈感源於建築」計劃,梁祖堯(Joey)與 Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 嘅陳智遠(Paul)遊走香港各處,訴說建築背後的故事(當然包括北角皇都戲院),感受獨有香港情懷懷與核心價值。
因為 Mido Watches「靈感源於建築」計劃,梁祖堯(Joey)與 Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 嘅陳智遠(Paul)遊走香港各處,訴說建築背後的故事(當然包括北角皇都戲院),感受獨有香港情懷懷與核心價值。
活現香港喺7月20和21日同Team Reebok合辦一連兩日嘅Mapped to go 霓虹燈導賞團,跑遍銅鑼灣同油尖旺區,我地嘅導賞員仲喺至靚至特別嘅霓虹燈下講故事。一齊重溫當日嘅精彩片段啦!
Walk in Hong Kong set up a booth of the theme “rice” and “bamboo” in PMQ’s Open House on Sunday (26 June, 2016). Parents and children enjoyed the games and also learned a lot of interesting stories behind these two subjects. Learn more about “rice” and “bamboo” by joining the Summer Microadventures, our collaboration with PMQ in July and August!
(Scroll down for English version.)
港島西區區內新舊共融、中西交匯,既有堅守數十載的傳統產業、滿載人情味的家族老店以及傳承數代的傳統手藝,也有新派咖啡小店、藝廊、特色餐廳及店舖。是次活現香港將與新世界策動的The Artisanal Movement合辦導賞團,將帶領參加者遊走西區的大街小巷之中,參觀歷史文化古蹟,並深度探索這裏的美食文化,到訪多家歷盡變遷的老店,並與負責人進行交流、親身體驗傳統手藝,機會難得,名額有限,報名從速!
What do you see when you walk down Des Voeux Road Central (DVRC)? A canyon of glass business towers blocking the not-so-blue sky, heavy traffic and tense office workers are probably the most common answers. But is that all? What about the “underground” arcade games centre, the vintage tailor, or the alluring old-school bakery?
After three months of collaboration with Wong Tai Sin Youth Development Network to train around 40 youngsters as walking tour docents, we’re delighted to see these enthusiastic ambassadors give their own Wong Tai Sin tours to a group of primary school students from Po Leung Kuk Ho Sau Nan Primary School last Sunday. Check out the photos to see what places and old shops they’ve discovered!