The film “To Be Continued,” co-produced by Walk in Hong Kong and Hong Kong Community Heritage Foundation, premiered at the Hong Kong International Film Festival in April 2023. (Click here to watch the movie trailer). It tells the story of Harry Odell (1896-1975), an impresario and an era of Hong Kong. Five years ago, Haider … Read more
State Theatre
Mr Douglas So, JP Chairman, Antiquities Advisory Board 18 December 2020 Further to the letter “Walk in Hong Kong makes three heritage protection calls ahead of AAB’s brainstorming session on post-1950 buildings assessment” that we sent to the Antiquities Advisory Board on 9 December 2020, we would like to add several suggestions for the post-1950 … Read more
Job description Walk in Hong Kong is passionate about creating unforgettable cultural experiences and advocating cultural heritage conservation in Hong Kong. We are currently looking for two highly motivated internship roles, assisting Save Our State advocacy campaign in 2017. We look forward to work with young talents who are: – Passionate about Hong Kong history and … Read more
古物古蹟辧事處(古蹟辦)早前建議將北角舊皇都戲院評為三級歷史建築,屬歷史評級中最低級別,引起公眾關注,及質疑古蹟辦嚴重低估了這珍貴建築的文物價值。文化企業活現香港(Walk in Hong Kong)早前撰寫了舊皇都戲院文物價值評估報告,這份專業報告沿用古蹟辦的評審準則,提出有力證據,從建築罕有性、文化歷史價值及社會價值各方面確立舊皇都戲院的保育價值;而就連古蹟辦自己所撰寫的相關文物價值評估,內容也大致一樣。因此,將舊皇都戲院評為三級的背後理據一直成疑,這事件也令人質疑,現時就歷史建築的評審機制是否專業和完善。
Cultural heritage group Walk in Hong Kong, The Conservancy Association and Docomomo HK today (15 April) issued a joint statement to the Antiquities Advisory Board (AAB), urging them to give the former State Theatre in North Point no lower than a Grade 1 historic building grading.