Explore Hong Kong’s traditional beliefs and delicious treats with us! Check out our latest trailer video, and join our wickedly fun tour once the pandemic is over!

Hong Kong is a fishing-village-turned-metropolis where old meets new, east meets west…  Yes, we know you secretly rolled your eyes to this. Maybe…

Walk in Hong Kong, a local cultural enterprise, calls on the government to make the protection of post-war historic buildings, which is also commonly referred to as “modern architecture”, a policy priority for heritage conservation in Hong Kong. Specifically, as we have called for in submissions to the public consultations respectively for the 2018-2019 Policy … Read more

At first glance, you may think this title is contradictory: how can a dystopia be promising? Hong Kong appears to be a miraculous metropolis trademarked by a spectacular skyline of skyscrapers that symbolize our city’s status as Asia’s financial hub. The business sector hails it as the Promised Land for investors. Yet several cyberpunk movies … Read more

有冇諗過四十年後嘅中環地標建築會係點嘅樣?Walk in Hong Kong 活現香港最近再次同屹立香港 150 年嘅建築師樓巴馬丹拿集團合作,將導賞團結合模型工作坊同建築師分享會,啟迪小朋友欣賞建築嘅唔同可能性,再將自己心目中嘅建築設計活現眼前,向成為未來建築師之路進發。唔知今日喺模型裏面見到嘅大…

Are you afraid of zombies? Do mummies scare you away? If you are not daunted by the living dead, you must be a brilliant warrior when zombies attack. (Let’s hope they won’t.) But even the valiant may find Chinese vampires terrifying. Yes, the Chinese have their own vampires. They are drastically different from zombies and … Read more

《亡友黃湛森》 – 「活現黃霑.重行深水埗」後感 我們剛舉行了其中一個活現香港五周年活動「活現黃霑.重行深水埗- 導賞團× 音樂會」,這是我們多年來最喜歡的導賞團之一。導賞團的講者,是黃霑生前的好友,吳俊雄博士。 黃霑,本名黃湛森,2004年11月24日肺癌逝世,終年63歲。 黃霑用他生…

考試、面試、演講、滙報,呢啲唔單止成年人要面對,對中學生嚟講都越嚟常見。你有冇諗過,帶團嘅技巧唔係淨係導遊啱用,對學生日常學業亦都相當有幫助! 活現香港身為商界嘅一份子(同埋香港總商會嘅會員),今年參與總商會舉辦嘅商校交流計劃,走入協恩中學校園。計劃上星期嚟到尾聲,協恩嘅同學仔運用我哋公司業務拓展顧…

種族清洗、恐怖襲擊、宗教迫害,至今於新聞媒體當中仍時有聽聞,背後往往是因宗教信仰之間缺乏了解所致。可幸香港人的宗教自由受法律保障,不同信仰在這蕞爾小島上和平共存,並廣建禮拜場所、慈善機構、學校等,各自的教義與信念也以建築之形式活現於港人眼前。 策劃「神.仙.也共融」導賞團的恩平工商會李琳明中學同學本…
